This course is pretty complicated. There’s a lot asked of you and not a lot of time to do it in. As such, it’s easy to gloss over some details. Here is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions to help when you feel like you’re just not quite getting something.

This FAQ is not a substitute for reading the syllabus closely and in its entirety. This is just here for clarification.


I clicked on a reading item but I’m being asked to request permission. What gives?

Some of the consumables are housed in Google Drive or through the library and require you to log in with your University NetID. Those on Google Drive are set to be viewable by anyone at the university but not publicly or by personal Gmail accounts. Make sure you’re logged into your UA account and not with your personal Gmail. I always suggest having a separate browser profile that’s just for school. Makes these kinds of things much, much easier.

Is attendance required?

No. In this class we do not have a weekly lecture scheduled. That said, we may meet for office hours, working sessions, et cetera, throughout the semester. Joining in will vastly improve your experience in the class.

I missed a deadline. Can I still submit the assignment?


I forgot to submit something a few weeks ago. Can I submit it now?

Still nope.

Is there a particular way I should name my files I submit?

Yes, there is! Generally speaking, your files (and this should be helpful in other classes, too) should be labeled as such: MATH101_Lastname_Assignment.pdf, where MATH is the course code, 101 is the course number, Lastname is your last name, and Assignment is the title of the assignment (and pdf is whatever file extension you’re required to submit; I usually stick with PDFs). This helps you keep the files organized and it helps your instructor know, just by looking at the filename, exactly what it is.

I see the little next to your name in Teams. Are you really online?

Probably! Only one way to check!

I missed a live meeting! Where’s the recording?

Recordings via Zoom can take some time to process in the cloud. Once it’s done (typically the next morning) I’ll put the link to the recording in Teams.

Your home equipment is awesome. What is all that stuff?

I’m assuming you mean all this stuff:

I run down my audio setup on my podcast. As for my video equipment, that’s a Nikon Z6 full-frame mirrorless camera shooting with an f/4 24-75mm lens.

How do you make these websites?

I use RStudio and a package called Blogdown. It’s plain text, super simple to use, and it lets me use R code right in the site, like this:

# For the curious, this is an example of what R can do.
# example from https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/277-marginal-histogram-for-ggplot2.html
# load the necessary libraries

# create classic plot :
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg, color=cyl, size=cyl)) +
      geom_point() +
# add marginal histogram
p1 <- ggMarginal(p, type="histogram")

Turns into:

# show the graph!

After that, it’s a lot of trial and error!

Class Specific

What is Open Broadcasting Studio (OBS)?

Ever seen a game streamer? It’s that software (usually)!

What is Adobe Audition?

Audition is to audio what Photoshop is to photos.

What is Adobe Premiere Pro?

Premiere Pro is to video what Audition is to audio.

Isn’t it really expensive?

Our campus is an Adobe Creative Campus, meaning you have access to all the Adobe Creative Suite for free during your time at the university. Just head to the Adobe Students webpage, complete the registration, and you’ll have access to the entire suite.

What if my computer isn’t up to the task of running Adobe software?

Unfortunately, the course is built with these applications in mind. You may need to find accomodations to access a computer that will run them sufficiently. Feel free to contact me directly via Teams if you wish to discuss it further.

So, how do the Teams channels work, again?

As you can see in the menu on the left, while this class is broken down into weeks, the Teams channels (read: discussion forums and chatrooms) are broken into content areas that span across the entire class.

General - the general channel for non-module-specific content
spark - for content related to Adobe Spark
obs - for content related to OBS
premiere - for content related to Adobe Premiere Pro
audition - for content related to Adobe Audition
tips - for sharing tips and tricks that may not be specific to one assignment or tool
social - other than the introduction you share, for chat unrelated to class; is your band playing somewhere this weekend? Tell us here!

This course is adapted from ETCV 301: Interpreting and Presenting Digitally, developed for the University of Arizona by Dr. Stephen Arnold.