Module 2 has the following goals and objectives:
Use the links below to find the questions. Submit your answers to the appropriate dropbox.
Each week there will be a number of items for you to consume, be it reading, watching, listening, or a combination thereof.
The total amount of time estimated on required texts and resources is 328 minutes.
Module | Required? | Text/Resource | Chapter/Title | Source | Estimated time in minutes | Type |
2 | Required | Conducting Online Surveys | Chapter 3: Sampling | | 60 | Design |
2 | Required | The Art of Human Hacking | Chapter 1: A Look into the World of Social Engineering | | 60 | Security |
2 | Required | Smashing Magazine | A Closer Look at Personas: What They Are and How They Work | | 20 | Design |
2 | Required | Step Two | Employee personas and how to create them | | 5 | Design |
2 | Required | Independent | Intelligent ads can see the kind of person you are | | 3 | Security |
2 | Required | Interaction Design | Chapter 8: Data Gathering | | 60 | Design |
2 | Required | Interaction Design | Chapter 9: Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation | | 60 | Design |
2 | Required | Interaction Design | Chapter 10: Data at Scale | | 60 | Design |
The total amount of time estimated you should spend on these assignments depends on the amount of effort required, itself based on your previous experience with statistics, generally, and R, in particular. You can expect to spend somewhere between 90 and 255 minutes on this module beyond the readings. The estimated total number of words you’re likely to write in this module is 1,125.
Module | Due date | Assignment type | Short name | Long name | Points | Effort (low) | Effort (high) | Expected word total |
2 | 2022-11-06 | Questions | CH9 | Chapter 9 questions | 15 | 10 | 30 | 125 |
2 | 2022-11-06 | Questions | CH10 | Chapter 10 questions | 15 | 10 | 30 | 125 |
2 | 2022-11-13 | Questions | CH8 | Chapter 8 questions | 15 | 10 | 30 | 125 |
2 | 2022-11-13 | Project | P2 | Project 2: Personas | 35 | 45 | 120 | 750 |
2 | 2022-11-13 | Project | U2 | UXA 2 | 6 | 15 | 45 | 250 |
Each link below will create a copy of the question document. Make a copy of the documents below. Simply answer the questions in full, change the attribution at the top, and save as a PDF. Submit this to the LMS in the appropriate folder.
Project 2 is intended to be an introduction to website analytics, personas, scenarios, and user experience survey construction.
Through the application of reading materials and completion of this project in light of its corresponding rubric, students will:
You can find the rest of the assignment here.
The User Experience Analysis (UXA) is designed to be an optional, freeform way for you to express how you are taking the concepts learned in the class and applying them to a real-world situation. The idea is to explore how HCI is just as much an art as it is a science.
You can find the rest of the assignment here.