Weekly Chapter Questions

Each chapter comes with a selection of exercises.

Your participation points in this class come from answering chapter-based questions.

Chapter questions - 36 points

Each week’s chapters follow the same basic process but may be slightly different in terms of which questions you can and cannot choose from. Be sure to read the instructions carefully!

The questions are at the end of each module

Steps to completion

  1. Use the Module Chapter Questions Template provided in Posit Cloud
  2. You must submit these as a HTML document.
  3. Create a Quarto HTML document using the provided template and answer the questions. This is an opportunity to practice your formatting and information presentation skills, as many questions require varied approaches to response.
    1. Be absolutely certain that you leave the embed-resources: true YAML key present! Otherwise, the HTML file you submit will likely break anywhere other than your project.
  4. Submit your rendered HTML file (one per module) to the relevant module’s “Module Exercises” dropbox.
    1. For example, in the Module 1 Exercises dropbox you should upload a single document for Chapter 1 questions and responses, and your Chapter 6 questions and responses.
    2. You will need to make sure your files are named appropriately by changing the output-file YAML key. Your template has instructions to remind you of this.